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PuTTY 1.5.2 for Symbian OS has been released! This is a maintenance release for PuTTY 1.5, and contains bug fixes for S60 3rd edition. Get the release from the SourceForge project page or the download page. Note that version 1.5 does not support S60 5th edition touchscreen phones such as the Nokia 5800 XPressMusic or N97, for those you should use Risto Avila's PuTTY Touch UI.
PuTTY 1.5.1 for Symbian OS has been released! This is a maintenance release for PuTTY 1.5, and contains bug fixes and minor enhancements. Get the release from the SourceForge project page or the download page. Note that version 1.5 does not support S60 5th edition touchscreen phones such as the Nokia 5800 XPressMusic or N97, for those you should use Risto Avila's PuTTY Touch UI.
Risto Avila has been working on a dedicated PuTTY Touch UI for S60 5th edition, and it provides a much improved user experience on phones such as the Nokia 5800 XpressMusic and the new N97. Give it a try!
PuTTY 1.5.0 for Symbian OS has been released! PuTTY for Symbian OS 1.5.0 has been released. This is the first non-beta non-snapshot release since 1.3.2 was released in January 2005, and is a significant milestone for the project. Get the release from the SourceForge project page or the download page.
A new beta release for PuTTY 1.5 is now available. This release updates the PuTTY core to 0.60, adds much-requested copy-paste support to S60, and a proper icon by James Nash, plus some minor enhancements.Get it from from the SourceForge project page. The final 1.5 release should be out in a few weeks, so test the beta now!
A new font pack for PuTTY for S60 is now available. The package includes a number of additional, mostly larger fonts, and should be especially useful for phones with high-resolution displays. Download it from the SourceForge project page.
After exactly two years since 1.4 beta 1, a new full beta release of PuTTY is out! This release has a new setting system for Series 80, an almost completely rewritten S60 user interface, and a lot of minor changes and bug fixes. Get it from from the SourceForge project page.
A new S60 3rd edition snapshot is finally available at the unofficial builds page. This snapshot fixes a number of annoying bugs, and is recommended for all S60v3 users.
A new S80 snapshot is now available at the unofficial builds
page. This snapshot adds a new connection profile setup to
replace configuration files.
Taneli Leppä has ported PuTTY to UIQ version 3. Get it from
his website!
I (Petteri) have not had any time to work on PuTTY lately, and due to personal reasons the situation won't improve in the near future. Additional maintenance help is needed, otherwise I will be forced to drop support for most platforms. Read more on the announcement mailing list..
The default fonts included in PuTTY can be quite small, especially on the new S60 3rd ed. with high-resolution displays such as Nokia E70 and N80. You can now download and install additional fonts. New fonts for earlier S60 devices will be added later.
Some users have reported problems installing PuTTY on Nokia E-series devices. Most E-series phones refuse to install self-signed applications by default, so you'll need to change the settings to install PuTTY. Here is how.
After a long break a fresh PuTTY for Symbian OS release is now available. The highlights in 1.4 beta 1 are support for S60 third edition, new official builds for S80 v2.0, S60 second edition, and S90, copy/paste support on S80, font system rewrite for S60 and several smaller fixes. Download the release from the SourceForge project page. To see what bugs have been fixed, check the bug tracker, select "Fixed: v1.4" as the group and "Any" for other selections.
The first development snapshot with Nokia 7710 (Series 90) support is now available! Get it from the unofficial builds page.
Robert Horvath has ported PuTTY to UIQ. Binaries are available for
the P800, P900, and P910. Get it from his PuTTY for UIQ web page.
Meanwhile, development is slowly proceeding on PuTTY for Symbian OS
1.4. The first development snapshots are now available on the unofficial builds
page. The first snapshot adds IPv6 support for Nokia 9300 and
9500 Communicators.
PuTTY for Symbian OS is not affected by the recent PuTTY SFTP vulnerabilities (CAN-2005-0467) since SFTP is not supported at all. Version 1.3.2 and current 1.4 snapshots have no known security vulnerabilities, and no updates are currently needed.
PuTTY for Symbian OS version 1.3.2 has been released. This release
updates to a new version of the PuTTY core, which contains an
important important security fix (CAN-2004-1008).
All users should upgrade. Download the release from the SourceForge
project page.
Note! The original source and 9200 binary packages
were broken. Fixed files were uploaded on January 7th.
A release candidate for PuTTY for Symbian OS version 1.3.2 has been released. Version 1.3.2 updates to a new version of the PuTTY core, which contains important security fixes. Additionally, 1.3.2 fixes some other minor problems. If no regressions are found, this version will be released as 1.3.2 in a few days. Download the release from the SourceForge project page and report any bugs you find. All users are recommended to upgrade.
As the new Nokia 9500 Communicator has started shipping, it's worth noting that the 9210 version of PuTTY works out of the box on the 9500. The installer will warn that the application may be incompatible, and there are small user interface inconsistencies, but all functionality is there and Wireless LAN support works fine.
Some unofficial PuTTY for Symbian OS builds are available at
These builds contain changes that are not suitable for official
releases, but may be useful for some users. Unless you need some of
these new features, use the official releases instead.
Two builds are available: 1.3.1_noconnect should
help users who wish to use unofficial IP-over-Bluetooth setups with
mRouter, and 1.3.1_s60v2 should fix compatibility
problems with Nokia 6630.
Some unofficial PuTTY for Symbian OS builds are available at http://www.modeemi.fi/~pekangas/putty/. These builds contain changes that are not suitable for official releases, but may be useful for some users. Unless you need some of these new features, use the official releases instead.
PuTTY for Symbian OS version 1.3.1 has been released. This release updates to a new version of the PuTTY core, which contains important security fixes. All users should upgrade. Download the release from the SourceForge project page.
A release candidate for PuTTY for Symbian OS version 1.3.1 has been released. Version 1.3.1 updates to a new version of the PuTTY core, which contains important security fixes. If no new bugs are found, this version will be released as 1.3.1 in a few days. Download the release from the SourceForge project page and report any bugs you find. All users are recommended to upgrade.
PuTTY for Symbian OS version 1.3.0 has been released. This is the first non-beta release with Series 60 support. There are no major changes compared to 1.3 beta 4. This version adds a new User's Guide document, reading it is recommended. Download the release from the SourceForge project page.
A new beta release of PuTTY 1.3 for Symbian OS has been released. This release fixes a number of bugs, mainly from the Series 60 version. This should be the final beta release before 1.3.0, so report any bugs now! Download it from the SourceForge project page.
A new beta release of PuTTY 1.3 for Symbian OS has been released. This release adds support for Nokia 7650, and contains a number of bug fixes and enhancements. Nokia Series 60 and Nokia 9200 Communicator series are supported. Download it from the SourceForge project page.
The second beta release of PuTTY 1.3 for Symbian OS has been released. This release contains support for both Series 60 and Nokia 9200 Communicator series. It also fixes the Series 60 password length problem. Download it from the SourceForge project page. Note! The Nokia 7650 is still not supported!
The documentation page now has two new documents on troubleshooting and bug reporting. Check them out before sending bug reports.
Sergei Khloupnov has ported PuTTY to the Nokia Series 60 platform, and now the first public beta release is out. Grab it from the new SourceForge project page. Check out also the mailing lists and subscribe to the annoucement list if you wish to hear about news like this as they happen. Note! The Nokia 7650 is not supported!
A non-beta release of PuTTY 1.2 is now available. This release includes major internal changes, which should solve many problems encountered with version 1.1. 1.2.0 adds support for logging and setting the default configuration.
The first beta release of PuTTY 1.2 is now available. This release includes major internal changes, which should solve many problems encountered with version 1.1.
The first beta release of PuTTY 1.1 is now available. This release includes configuration support, and UI features for sending special characters. Public key authentication works.
The first non-beta release is now available. This release is simply a recompiled and repackaged version of 1.0 beta 2, there are no functional changes.